Sea. Fragment from super 8 movie. 3 min. Silent. Shot with the collaboration of Tai Pomara.
Instalación en Anderson Ranch Arst Center Gallery, Snowmass Village, CO, USA
Un-Rest: The Run (1998). B/W Super 8 film from TV image played from VHS tape, painted with a sharpie and scratched. Edited in camera. 3 min. Shot with the collaboration of Monica Dreidemie.
Sand Walk 2005 Digital video from hand painted Super 8 film. Sound.
CIRCULARITIES (The Loop in Children Play)
Two screen video Black Birds, projected on the walls of the East Gallery at Texas Woman's University, Denton, Texas, 2001
Two screen video Black Birds, projected on the walls of the East Gallery at Texas Woman's University, Denton, Texas, 2001
RED STRIPE (2006): Red stripe is two fold. It is a piece that speaks of an internalization of madness. It is a political cry. Red Stripe also refers to the media of film: the red vertical lines identify the beginning and the end of a film, as in super 8 and 16 mm formats. This video makes use of some unwelcome occurrences that take place when film is being projected, the repetition and sound of film getting stuck in the machine, the film being burnt by the bulb, etc. In between the stripes the video offers a glimpse at another reality and blends sanity and madness, references war and calls for a social change. This piece disassembles time altering its limits and creating a more complex new narrative that is fragmented and non linear.
Original media: BW Super 8, hand coloured and digitally altered. SOUND
Original media: BW Super 8, hand coloured and digitally altered. SOUND
Rest: The Walk. (1998) Fragment from super 8 movie. 3 min. Silent. Shot with the collaboration of Steven Mankouche.
Pond House: The story. 1998 Color Super 8. Silent.
Fast. 3 minutes. 1998; The Chase. Color Super 8 film. In camera edited 3 minutes.